Impressions from Amsterdam (in Two Sketches)

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Amsterdam's Herengracht (Gentlemen's Canal). Spring was popping out and the colors of the young leaves on the trees couldn't have been fresher.

I see that it has been over a month since my last post. I assure you, I have been keeping my eyes open to many new experiences, but being busy and on-the-go hasn't lent itself to a whole lot of blogging. I'll be working it back into my schedule, as sharing my work (and getting your feedback, keep it coming!) is important to me. 

My parents and sister came to visit. It was truly wonderful being able to show them around and act as a translator. I think now they have a much better idea of what I am experiencing in my year here, including language, culture, and people. We got to share valuable experiences and made memories that will last.

Part of their visit included a few days in Amsterdam. I was swept up by the beauty and feeling of the city. Spring in Holland is not to be missed! The crisp air breathes into blossoming flowers everywhere. The atmosphere of the city was even better than had been described to me. The extensive canal system is made up of waterways lined with trees that were just beginning their spring explosion.

I think I get about as excited as all the plants do when spring comes. My heart opens up when I see all the gray branches suddenly burst into a show of colors, and the air just feels cleaner when that particular shade of green appears. Perhaps that lends a particular lightness to cities. It's like a holiday, but without a set date because every year is slightly different. From an artistic standpoint, particularly for me as I document the world around me through sketches, everything changes. Trees that were previously just collections of dark lines now play a much more predominant and complicated visual role in sceneries.

We also visited the Van Gogh Museum, which I would also highly recommend if you find yourself in Amsterdam. The artist left behind an enormous collection of works, and he wrote countless letters to his brother, Theo. The combination of these two provides an extensive view into his process, very well put together by the museum. The above sketch was inspired by Van Gogh's Irises. I filled up several other pages of my sketchbook with notes, too, while in the museum.

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