How do you define HOME?

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

How do you define "home"?

Is it rooted in a specific place, somewhere you spent a lot of time, where you came of age? Perhaps it is associated with a smell, with a feeling you get in the pit of your stomach.

Or is it the people? Family, friends. New individuals you come to call family, with whom you share life's experiences.

I have had these thoughts and more in my head lately as I relocate and revisit things from my past. I was born in northern Florida where my parents still own a house, where we would spend a lot of our time during school breaks after we moved to Oklahoma when I was 7 years old. I've written poetry about this place, both while there and from many miles away. It is the first place I learned to call home. Spaces in my brain are draped with Spanish moss like old Live Oak trees. These will live at least as long as I do. The patterns of light reflected through leaves on our river's surface could be a reason I draw on nature as a central inspiration to this day. These are a part of my deep down identity.

I am back in the Old South now, this time in Georgia, after coming of age in Oklahoma and, about a year ago, starting everything anew in Germany. I think of all these places with a fondness that arises from my feeling that they are all home. It could be that my current transition is easy because of my roots in the South; not to mention, I'm more experienced with change. I can quickly sense that this will become another one of my "homes."

 As I travel, I discover new corners of my heart that I didn't know existed, and, to my luck and excitement, people to populate them with. It's like exploring an old house. There is a feeling in these new places, of culture, history, age, stories. A breath. Humans. Yet they are fresh to my eyes. I am inspired. Others are inspired and bring their fresh perspectives into the world.

This is a reason to travel. The foundation may already be there, but YOUR ideas are the ones that will keep the world fresh. This house needs new light fixtures, and perhaps what you have to offer can change the whole picture, so that the next person to walk through sees things differently. (Can you tell we just moved into an old home that needs some improvements? ;) )

If you will humor me for a moment and let me offer a piece of advice: wherever you might be in your life, it's to allow yourself to be surrounded by new things and ideas and to be open to them. I outlined above my personal story thus far, but unexpected turns could lead me in new directions. Let yourself be amazed by the world around you, and you don't have to go far for that.

I think some of these animals have the right idea. Above is a sketch of our dog, Searcy. I would say I have to give some of the most credit to the dog and cat through this move. They've taken on this new place as their home, after having no idea what was coming. They let the charm seep into them as well, and now they're starting to fit right in.

There are many outdoor cats living on our street, and one even came and snuggled against my legs. Cats are native residents that have a lot to show you about their quarter; they're worth a listen.

Perhaps home is that part that stays with you even when everything else changes. It could be a way to look into a window at a fundamental part of yourself. After all, aren't we products of our environment?

How do you define HOME? I would love to hear about your thoughts and experiences.

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